UJJAYI = “What clears the throat and masters the chest area” According to Patanjali, your breadth should be both dirga (long) and suksma (smooth). Ujjayi breathing is done by gently constricting the opening of the throat to create some resistance to the passage of air. Gently PULLING THE BREADTH IN (during inhalation) and gently PUSHING […]
Home > September, 2006
Ujjayi or Victorious Breathing
How Yoga can benefit Athletes of Other Sports
All athletes can benefit from the consistent practice of basic yoga postures. There is often a misconception among athletes the power and benefits of yoga as a conditioning tool. They may have been misled by watching certain types of yoga on TV or by participating in yoga classes where only mild stretching is involved, rather […]
Why do Yoga Poses?
Yoga poses, postures or asanas (as they are known in sanskrit) promote health and wellbeing to all the systems of the body when practiced properly. Some of the benefits of yoga asanas include: Toning of muscles Making the spine and joints limber cleansing of glands and internal organs Increased flexibility and strengthOn the surface, yoga […]