A professional resume - what elements should it contain?

A professional resume is the gateway to a career. This short resume determines whether or not we will be invited for an interview. The face-to-face meeting is a key step in the hiring process. Writing a good resume will help you resume checker online.

A curriculum vitae is a business card. Despite generally accepted standards for resume writing, the same mistakes are made all the time. It's worth taking the time to write a good resume, because it's your first contact with an employer. It is a kind of career ticket, the first step that allows you to make a presentation later.

There are a few basic rules for writing a professional resume. Every resume should contain the necessary elements that, after appropriate personalization, will tell the story of our education and career. However, don't overdo it! It is important that the resume includes areas that are important and valuable from the employer's perspective. Therefore, if we are applying for jobs from different industries, we can modify the content of the curriculum vitae accordingly, always according to the following rules, which will be discussed in detail.

Template resume or creativity?

There is nothing wrong with using sample resumes. We can confidently use a template, but it must be properly and carefully modified. You can work on a ready-made document or simply follow a sample text layout. Each resume should be divided into separate parts:

  • Personal information, work experience, education, languages, skills. Each part should be highlighted in larger font, preferably in bold. Information in all categories should be given in points.
  • A creative resume is suitable for people applying for a graphic designer or designers position. Already in the document you can brag about your skills. However, if we want to be proud of our knowledge of Microsoft Office, a neatly formatted text document is enough.

Personal information and contacts

If we write a professional resume, we should always include our personal information. Ideally, they should be at the top of the document, with sufficient separation from other parts. I'm talking about the basic parameters that allow us to identify and contact:

  • First and last name.
  • Date of birth / Age
  • Address of residence
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Social profile

A few words of explanation. Age should be listed if we are afraid we won't get the job because we are too young / too old - this company is not for us.

When entering our address, remember that at the time of application, the employer is interested in where we are at the moment (home address or so-called mailing address). Sometimes it is worth getting ahead of ourselves - if we know that we will move to Warsaw in a few months and we are looking for a job there, put it in your CV, limiting yourself to the name of the city, enough.

We overwrite the phone number and e-mail address with extra care! You don't want to make a typo to close the door on our careers.